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Daniel Jevaux

M +1 305 902 8558




My purpose here is to seek opportunities as a Server in the later shifts, starting 5pm, in the restaurant industry. I’m multilingual and I can speak natively Portuguese and English and I have advanced knowledge in French and Spanish.

After working at the Brazilian financial market for the past 10 years, I have moved to the US as COO and CFO of Tross International LLC, a Development Company, which main duties involves strategic responsibility, such as the development and implementation of strategic planning using the Balanced Scorecard as management tool; elaborate company’s forecast and budget, as well as controlling the expenses to meet financial planning; risk management; capital funding; and report activities to company’s investors. In 2017, I founded Argentum Capital Partners, a real estate development company, in which I structured and developed 4 projects, including a grown-up construction of a residential condo building in Bay Harbor Islands

My education level includes Financial Management with Emphasis in Investments and Capital Market Post Graduation Course (2 years); Economics Graduation (5 years); and several short courses related to business and finances. At year 2009 I’ve started teaching Economics, Investment Analysis and Capital Markets at local Universities for Business Administration and Economics graduation and post graduation courses. Currently, aside my professional functions at Tross International, I’m business and investment coach, helping companies and investors to meet their goals.

Currently, I left my real estate development company and I’m working as a real estate and yacht broker.



Real Estate Agent - Douglas Elliman / International Realtors Group - 2018-present


Servicing international clients from Brazil and Europe, I’m specialized in luxury and income generating properties.

Chief Executive and Financial Officer, Argentum Capital Partners LLC, Miami, FL - 2017-2020


After Tross International closing its operations, I founded Argentum Capital Partners LLC, with Osvaldo Macedo Neto (former partner at Tross International LLC) and Douglas Strabelli. My main duties are defining the strategic plan for the company, seek for investment opportunities, operational supervision and sales coordination, banking operations, capital raising, revising financial reports from accountant, conduct presentations to current and prospective investors.

Chief Financial/Operational Officer, Tross International LLC; North Miami, FL - 2015-2017


Responsible for setting up the Tross International operations in Miami, deal structuring, operational supervision and sales coordination, banking operations, capital raising, revising financial reports from accountant, conduct presentations to current and prospective investors. At this position, I was responsible for the acquisition and develop the feasibility study of two Residential real estate deals in Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, as well as overseeing the whole operation, from coordinating sales, controlling the budget and negotiating with major vendors.

Chief Financial/Operational Officer, Tross Empreendimentos; Florianópolis, Santa Catarina - 2014-2015


Reporting directly to company’s owners and investors, main responsibilities includes most strategical aspects of the company. Regarding the planning activities, at the end of 2014, I coordinated the development of 2015-2017 strategic planning of the company using Balanced Scorecard as a management tool to help the company to meet its mission at the end of the period, as well as setting the budget for the same period. On the subject of operations, working as COO/CFO, I was responsible for managing a 23 people team plus the outsourced staff, implement operational best practices (standardization of process, for example), implementation of ERP system, develop and implement benefits programs and report company’s operations to directors, owners and investors, In the financial sphere, duties includes control finances to meet the budget, report financial results, banking operations, negotiate with main suppliers, financial modeling, search for investment opportunities, development of new businesses, investment decisions and business valuations. During the last quarter of 2014 and first quarter of 2015, I structured Tross international operation, which is to build a multifamily residential building in Miami, FL, USA.


Investment Analyst, Somma Investimentos; Florianópolis, Santa Catarina - 2012-2014

Hired to implement and work at the Private Equity and Real Estate department, which main duties included investment analysis, project finance and valuation. Responsible for the development of two Real Estate Investment Fund structuring and a leverage buyout of a pharmaceutical company.


Professor, Uniasselvi, Blumenau, Santa Catarina - 2013-2014


Professor at Post Graduation Courses of Economics, Derivatives, Capital Markets and Financial Administration.

Professor, Faculdades Borges de Mendonça, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina - 2010-2013


Professor at Graduation Courses of Capital Market, Economics, International Economy, Financial Administration, Investment Analysis.

Owner - Saber Investir Consultoria Financeira; Florianópolis, Santa Catarina - 2010-2012


CVM (Brazilian SEC) Registered Investment Consultant. Responsible for macroeconomics analysis, strategy formulation for fixed income, stock market, investment funds and private equity funds. Duties also involved personal finance planning for the clients. In 2012 this company was sold to Somma Investment, which I became Investment Analyst.

Professor, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Florianópolis, SC - 2009-2010


Worked as professor for Capital Markets, Economic Development Administration, Economics Introduction, Social Accounting.

Financial Assistant, Investment Analyst, Finance Department Chief, Unicred Central de Santa Catarina; Florianópolis, SC - 2004-2008


May/2004-Dec/2004 - Financial Assistant - updating financial spreadsheets, preparing balance sheets, tracking and reconciling bank statements, administrative support for budget preparation. 

Jan/2005-Fev/2008 - Investment Analyst - Responsible for managing a R$450MM corporate and government bond portfolio. Examine and assess economic and market trends, liaise with fund managers and network with industry professionals, compile advisory reports and make recommendations to the board.

Jan/2006-Fev/2008 - Cumulative position as Finance Department Chief, leading a team of 3 employees. Responsible for implementing standardization routine in the company.



Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina - Post graduation at Financial Management with Emphasis at Investment and Capital Markets, 2009.

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina - Graduation at Economics, 2007.


Securities Investment Consultant - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários

Investment Manager - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários



6th Expo Pakistan 2011, Karachi, Pakistan. October 20-23rd, 2011.


Private Equity and Venture Capital in Brazil Forum Europe, Frankfurt, Germany. October 30th, 2012.


Private Equity and Venture Capital in Latin America Forum, London, UK. October, 31st, 2012. 


Bachelor's counselor


Themis Kirst. Análise do Retorno das Empresas de Construção Civil Registradas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo em Relação aos seus Níveis de Alavancagens. 2012. Course Conclusion Monograph. FACULDADES BORGES DE MENDONÇA.


Vitor Venâncio. Spread Bancário: um levantamento dos valores nos anos de 2002 a 2011 no Brasil. 2012. Course Conclusion Monograph. (Bachelor at Business Management) - FACULDADES BORGES DE MENDONÇA.



JEVAUX, D. D.; Roberto Meurer; Vivian Garrido M. Da Silva. Judge of Daniel Santos Bitencourt. Uma Análise das Operações de Crédito para Pessoa Física no Sistema Financeiro Nacional no Período da Crise Financeira de 2008. 2009. Course Conclusion Monograph. (Bachelor at Economic Sciences) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Available at


JEVAUX, D. D.; João Randolfo Pontes; Francisco Gelinski Neto. Judge of Luciano Aurélio Winck. O Impacto econômico e ambiental da transformação do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar em pellet para a congeração de energia. 2009. Course Conclusion Monograph. (Bachelor at Economic Sciences) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Available at


JEVAUX, D. D.; João Randolfo Pontes; Reginete Panceri. Judge of Murilo Vil Magalhães. Estudo de Utilização da Energia Eólica Como Fonte Geradora de Energia Elétrica no Brasil. 2009. Course Conclusion Monograph. (Bachelor at Economic Sciences) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Available at


JEVAUX, D.D.; Fernando Seabra; Arlei Luiz Fachinelo. Judge of Marilyn Hahn. Avaliação do Processo de Internacionalização de Empresas do Segmento Linha Lar Catarinense: Uma Abordagem sob a Ótica do Modelo de UPPSALA. Course Conclusion Monograph. (Bachelor at Economic Sciences) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Available at 


JEVAUX, D.D.: João Randolfo Pontes; Cauê Serur Pereira. Judge of Pablo Setubal. Viabilidade Econômica e Financeira da Clínica de Sono: GOOD SLEEP. Course Conclusion Monograph. (Bachelor at Economic Sciences) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Available at


JEVAUX, D.D.: Luiz Carlos de Carvalho Junior, Reginente Panceri. Judge of Victor Flores Stodiek. Estratégias de Crescimento: As Estratégias da Petrobrás no Período 1990-2010. Course Conclusion Monograph. (Bachelor at Economic Sciences) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Available at

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